ADVENTURESS Camo Sling Cooler
While big box coolers have their place to hold ice for days, they are too heavy and bulky to take on the go. This soft sling cooler is perfect for your outdoor adventures! Pack it with a lunch for on the lake or in the woods, sling it over your shoulder and GO! Or pack it with drinks for a group adventure! Features two additional pockets so it’s versatile to put other essentials or items in as well!
Editor’s Note: I received this camo sling cooler as a gift years ago. It quickly became something I was constantly taking along on my outdoor adventures so I had to order it with the ADVENTURESS logo so it can be handy for others! I most commonly use it for fishing (both open water and ice fishing), turkey hunting and hiking. I also recently did a biking journey of more than 200 miles with it slung over my back, packed with my keys, a phone charger, first aid items, water bottle, lunch and a book for all my rest stops! It goes with me so many places – I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I have! ~Jen