Tinkle Belle Portable Female Urination Device with Case – Teal, Black, Glow
Ladies, we all hate squatting when you have to pee, hate having to take off clothing layers, hate worrying someone might see you exposed, and hate hovering over itchy weeds or disgusting toilets. So a group of professional, adventurous women from Montana created a female urination device to give you the FREEDOM of being able to go ANYWHERE!
The Tinkle Belle stand-to-pee accessory was designed by women that want to enjoy life without worry of where to pee. Life’s easier when you’re not concerned about having to find a bathroom (including a place to squat outdoors out of the way of anyone’s sight), or finding a bathroom only to see that it is completely disgusting and unsanitary. You can discreetly pee with minimal life interruption while being modest and without embarrassment.
All Tinkle Belles are medical-grade, no matter what the color! The Tinkle Belle is made from inert and biocompatible materials. It is hydrophobic- it won’t absorb liquids. Antimicrobial properties are built into the Tinkle Belle to inhibit the growth of bacteria. The antimicrobial properties will not protect you or others against bacteria, viruses, germs, or other disease organisms. Always clean and wash this product thoroughly before and after each use.
- Hunting – even pee from the deer stand!!!
- Fishing
- Boating
- Ice Fishing
- Snowmobiling
- Skiing
- Hiking
- Biking
- 4-Wheeling
- Horseback Riding
- Camping
- Road Trips/Travel
- Stand instead of squatting on disgusting outhouses or public restrooms