Fishing for Legends

An introduction to muskies and safely releasing them

By Nikki Boxler

Ever wonder how to tell a musky from a northern pike? Or why do people tend to release muskies instead of keeping them to eat like other fish? This is the article for you! Nikki Boxler explains the answers to these questions, as well as essential release tools you should have, how to properly handle muskies and getting started in your search fishing for legends.

ADVENTURESS ~ The ONLY Women’s Hunting & Fishing Magazine

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In this article:

The love – and thrill – of fishing for muskies
Three ways to identify a musky from a pike
What is a tiger musky?
Why release muskies
How muskies are important to ecosystem health
Three essential release tools
Properly holding a musky
Getting started

~ Nikki Boxler of New York,

Learn about muskies! It’s free!

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